Thursday, January 4, 2018

First Snow of the Season

Early and Sophie
I certainly wasn't expecting any snow, but that's how it is around here. When they call for snow, everyone gets freaked out and rushes to the grocery store to buy bread and milk. But when there is no prediction for weather, all heck breaks loose. Well, this was hardly the snowpocalypse--not in our neighborhood anyway--I understand they really got slammed south of here. A "bomb cyclone" is the term. It's been really cold for days which is not normal for us. I shouldn't complain. Others have it worse.

The office closed for the day. I don't do well when my routine is disturbed. I haven't gotten out of my jammies. What's the point?

The dogs and cats and grumpy. I've refilled the bird feeders 3 times. I don't want them to stress. They need the fuel. Mike calls me St. Anna of Assisi. Friend to all animals. I worry about them.

The freezing weather is supposed to last through the weekend and then maybe get back to normal. Ugh.

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