Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Snow Storm 2

The second snow of the winter season and it was a major one. It started snowing about 8 this morning and snowed all day. It is a wet, heavy snow. Unfortunately it is going to freeze tonight, temp in the teens, so tomorrow morning the entire triangle area will be a huge skating rink. I worked from home today and probably will do the same tomorrow. I hope I can get into the office on Friday. All this family togetherness time wears on my nerves. I've been trying to keep the birds fed. Poor things. The dogs and cats are bored to tears, although Early has been out for a couple of short romps. He doesn't mind the snow as much as Sophie does. The snow comes almost up to her belly. Thank the Lord Baby Jesus--the power didn't go out. That's my main concern during any weather event. If we lose power we're totally screwed. But, so far, we still have TV and it's all good.

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