Tuesday, February 26, 2019


We had a short break from the cold and rain and all of a sudden things started to bloom. Makes it feel like spring, except that we're supposed to get snow next week. Unbelievable. I took the dogs for a hike through the woods and found these daffodils. Also saw spirea and vinca in bloom. The bradford pears, redbuds and camelias are blooming as well. It sure feels like spring today. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Happy Birthday to Dad

K & W Cafeteria in Chapel Hill
chicken and dumplings, green beans, fried squash, cornbread

In memory of Dad's birthday yesterday I took myself out to lunch at his favorite eatery. I haven't been there since he died because, you know, memories... and I don't actually love their food. I got some chicken and dumplings that were swimming in a rich oily, buttery soup, some rather stingy green beans. The fried squash was pretty good, but the Mexican cornbread was cold and had bacon in it so I couldn't eat it. So, all in all it was not the best meal I ever had, but it wasn't the worst either. So, until next year. . .

Monday, February 11, 2019

Marcus and James go hiking

climbing boulders

an elf baby and a hobbit
The boys spent the night with us while their parents went to D.C. for a show and to scout out their possible new home. Friday was a very warm winter day. We went hiking in the woods, or "the forest" as James calls it, looking for the terribly scary black hound. No monsters were found. We had a wonderful time climbing on boulders picking up rocks and sticks.

Monday, February 4, 2019

James and David build a tree fort

David and James at the fort

the boys with Lila inside the fort
I went to visit the grandboys yesterday. It was a cloudy, but mild day. A nice break from all the REALLY cold weather we've had lately. We wandered into a wooded area behind the house where the boys were constructing a fort.