Friday, September 18, 2020


The neighbors chickens come around a couple of times a day now looking for a handout, which I am more than happy to supply. I LOVE seeing them pecking and scratching in the yard. 💓

I think they started out with 12 chicks, but due to the dangers that free range birds face, they are down to 7. They are such an adorable little family. 

That rooster is a great daddy. I understand that roosters are really only good for 2 things--fertilizing hens and protecting the flock. I must say this guy is great at both of those. I was worried that my dogs would frighten them, but the rooster won't let anyone or anything near his family. 

I have wanted chickens for a long time, but this is the best of all worlds. I can enjoy them and don't have to pay for feed or arrange for a coop. 

This is how all chickens should live. Free to roam and do their own thing. It brings me a lot of joy to watch them.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Update 2020


What a year. I'm glad it's almost over. With the pandemic, an idiotic government, racial tension, economic upheaval...there's a hurricane in the gulf and the entire western US is on fire. It's just crazy. But, right here and now, we're OK. Healthy and keeping busy. 

Anthony power washed the deck, repaired and sealed it. He and his crew (his son and a friend) cleaned out the gutters and moved the yard. We are all set.

Mike is buying a new dishwasher with his trump bucks. 

The leaves are starting to fall and the mornings are nice and cool. 

I am very mindful of the fact that there are many people who are really, really struggling right now--mentally, physically, financially--and I am grateful that we are doing okay. As bad as things are out there, they could be worse! It's a scary thought. I just hope when we get on the other side of all this, the world will be a better place, that there will be peace and justice. 

In the meantime, we continue on and just do the best we can.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Visit from the boys

Everyone was here yesterday! James and James, now both 6. Marcus is 4 and David is 3. They're all beautiful, healthy, smart and happy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Life in Quarantine

Early and Sophie relaxing on the new bed.
So here we are, July 1 and the virus rages on. Infection rates are rising again in most places and we're still in the first wave. Everywhere I go I still see a few people who flatly REFUSE to wear a mask. It's so stupid. They are the reason we remain in this situation.

The dogs had their annual checkup at the Vet's yesterday. They HATE it. They get so anxious and tense, but they are such troopers. Early has been limping occasionally and will sometimes not want to bear weight on his left hind leg. Turns out he has a partially torn ACL or MCL. Whatever. As long as he's not in major pain or suffering in any way, we'll just deal with it. I am not in a position to pay for knee surgery on an old dog. I bought him a new bed to rest his arthritic bones and joints. We also give him CBD treats. They are a couple of lucky dogs for sure.

Bertie is coming this weekend with the boys! I haven't seen them in months. James will be 6 tomorrow. Time has gotten away from me. The year has half over. And what a year it has been! So WEIRD. It's very unsettling...pandemic, massive unemployment, civil unrest, a completely dysfunctional government, fascist policies, sadistic is too much at times. We do the best we can under the circumstances and just hope for the best.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

New World Order

Me with the kids.
WOW! Things sure have changed in the past month. We are self-isolating due to Covid-19 pandemic. The whole world has been turned inside out. It's so WEIRD. I'm really having a hard time coming to grips with this new reality. Because the office was being renovated, we all went home to work last November. So, I've been mostly working from home anyway. But now we all have to work from home. Most of the buildings on campus have been closed and about 90% of the work force is at home. Weird times. I am leaving the house only to go to the grocery store. As of yesterday, we're going to have to wear masks in public. It's not a law, but it's the most sensible thing to do. The strangest thing about this situation is that starting a month ago, people starting hoarding toilet paper. There is NONE in the stores. People are crazy. And scared. Shopping is a trippy experience. People in masks, everyone social distancing. All the restaurants are closed. Only places that do take-out are able to operate. A lot of stores only do curbside pickup. You can't go in and shop. I didn't get to go to DC last month as planned. I did get in one quick trip to Mebane to see Jon's boys. It will be at least a couple months before it's safe to travel. Hopefully not too much longer than that. Who knows? We're in uncharted territory here. And our fearless leader is NO HELP whatsoever. What a moron. How very sad that we have to face the horrible crisis with Ass Clown at the helm. I could go on a rant right now, but what's the point. And the very most saddest thing of all is the fact that he will probably get reelected. I truly am living in an idiocracy.

Friday, February 21, 2020

First Snow of the Season

View from the back deck.
It snowed!!
I can't believe it. It's been so warm all winter that I had given up on seeing any snow. It started yesterday, early afternoon, with freezing rain, a little sleet maybe and switched over to snow. I think it stopped late in the evening. We got 3 or 4 inches. A pretty decent amount. My daughter up in Maryland didn't get any, which is pretty surprising. Today the sun came out. It's so bright! The snow is starting to melt. The temperature is supposed to be in the teens tonight, so probably will be a slick drive tomorrow morning. Snow should be totally melted off in a couple days. That's how I like my snowfalls. Hit it and quit it. It's so lovely to watch from the warm comfort of my cozy home. 


Thursday, February 6, 2020

More love from ArtOMat

I got an email from someone who bought one of my little paintings from the Art-O-Mat machine located in the National Portrait Gallery in D.C.

I immediately notified my daughter who works near that museum. She went there today on her lunch hour and found the machine with my stuff in it! It's so exciting. I feel validated.

I have the next set of block and am just starting to get them ready to paint. I sold the first 50 blocks. The second set of 50 blocks are in machines in various places and I have the 3rd set of blocks here now, ready to paint.

I think I got my MoJo working again.