Saturday, February 16, 2019

Happy Birthday to Dad

K & W Cafeteria in Chapel Hill
chicken and dumplings, green beans, fried squash, cornbread

In memory of Dad's birthday yesterday I took myself out to lunch at his favorite eatery. I haven't been there since he died because, you know, memories... and I don't actually love their food. I got some chicken and dumplings that were swimming in a rich oily, buttery soup, some rather stingy green beans. The fried squash was pretty good, but the Mexican cornbread was cold and had bacon in it so I couldn't eat it. So, all in all it was not the best meal I ever had, but it wasn't the worst either. So, until next year. . .

1 comment:

  1. I understand, when I am missing my mom I pull out my knitting and watch some sports program. That was her thing :).
