Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Doing some sketching

quick sketch in my Moleskine watercolor notebook
It's 76 degrees and cloudy. I LOVE it. Finally getting to enjoy some gorgeous fall weather. I stepped outside for a few minutes to do a quick sketch of the front of the house. It's watercolor, watercolor pencil and pen (Micron). I haven't done much in the way of "real" art in months. So, I'm trying to force myself to look around and paint/draw what I see. Because of rain and hurricanes and whatnot, the last Triangle Sketch Crawl was cancelled. These days, that's about all I'm doing, artistically speaking. I want to keep my hand in, but I haven't felt very creative. Can't really BE creative if the spark isn't there. I'm kind of waiting for the muse to return. Until then, I'm piddle around with this and that and see what happens.

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