Friday, May 17, 2019

Art-O-Mat Special Editions

I've almost finished the Art-O-Mat blocks. I've got 48 completed. Most of them are the generic guitars with generic birds. Then I did these 12. They are real guitars played by real musicians. This was a lot of fun. Had to do some research and look for iconic images. I should be able to ship the completed blocks back to Art-O-Mat next week. I have a few finishing touches to add, like the labels and signatures, and a clear coating. Then I wrap a piece of cellophane around each one and that's it! Sit back and wait to see if they sell. I've had a positive response on Instagram with the few teasers I put out there. I think they're worth $5! SO...fingers crossed...

1 comment:

  1. They are really nice, let us know how it goes! I think they should be worth more than $5 :P. How long do they have to dry before you put the cellophane on them?
