Saturday, December 21, 2024

Crochet Christmas Ornaments

I found an easy crochet pattern for little sweater ornaments and got busy making a bunch of them. I made some for Bert's family and she sent a picture. I also made the snowflake. We won't be putting up a tree this year. We dragged the tree out of the shed, but couldn't find the base, so at this late date we decided to give up. Oh well, better luck next year.

pre-Christmas visit

I was feeling the need to go see the grandboys. I wanted to see little Milo before he left for college. I drove up north the day after Thanksgiving. Traffic was light, it was an easy 5 hour drive. I came back Sunday and the traffic was considerably worse. It took 7 1/2 hours to get home. Traffic was moving, it was just busy and slow. The boys are doing great and that little Milo is just the cutest thing ever. Also, Maka was happy to see me. That dog loves me.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Carrboro Music Festival 2024

Sunday, Sept 29. Skies were clear blue and beautiful in the early afternoon...but it was hot and humid. I wish they would schedule this festival later in the year. It's always so hot in September. But, nevertheless, the Blusterfields played a great set. I would have liked to hang around a little while, but I needed to retreat into an air-conditioned room.
They played on this nice stage behind Twin House Music. Much better than the set-up last year. But still, they played first, before a lot of people had even arrived and they were a little bit too far from the center of the action. None of the musicians get to decide when or where they play and since 300 bands apply for the available 100 slots, its a "take it or leave it" situation.

Hurricane Helene

Helene came up through the Gulf, landed in the big bend area of Florida then tracked nothwest though Georgia and the NC mountains. Areas west of us, around Asheville, were absolutely devasted. They had catastrophic flooding. Roads and bridges washed out. Homes destroyed. We were very lucky here. Just some rain. Those poor people in the mountains are without power, WiFi, food, water, gas,'s really bad. How in the world do you recover from something like this?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Blusterfields LIVE!

The guys played a gig at the City Tap in Pittsboro Sunday afternoon. They were scheduled to play at Southern Village, but it was cancelled because of threat of rain. It was "First Sunday" in town, so there was a lot of foot traffic and craft vendors. Good gig, except during the last song, Mike's amp overheated and died. I totally sympathize. I was a bit overheated myself. Looking forward to Fall!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

First Day of School

Happy family! School started in Fairfax County already. I got to see the boys get on the bus for their first day. Very exciting. Sure brought back some memories. It's been decades since I put kids on the bus. I hear their first day went well...James lost his water bottle and Marc lost his lunch bag. Oh well.