Tuesday, April 7, 2020

New World Order

Me with the kids.
WOW! Things sure have changed in the past month. We are self-isolating due to Covid-19 pandemic. The whole world has been turned inside out. It's so WEIRD. I'm really having a hard time coming to grips with this new reality. Because the office was being renovated, we all went home to work last November. So, I've been mostly working from home anyway. But now we all have to work from home. Most of the buildings on campus have been closed and about 90% of the work force is at home. Weird times. I am leaving the house only to go to the grocery store. As of yesterday, we're going to have to wear masks in public. It's not a law, but it's the most sensible thing to do. The strangest thing about this situation is that starting a month ago, people starting hoarding toilet paper. There is NONE in the stores. People are crazy. And scared. Shopping is a trippy experience. People in masks, everyone social distancing. All the restaurants are closed. Only places that do take-out are able to operate. A lot of stores only do curbside pickup. You can't go in and shop. I didn't get to go to DC last month as planned. I did get in one quick trip to Mebane to see Jon's boys. It will be at least a couple months before it's safe to travel. Hopefully not too much longer than that. Who knows? We're in uncharted territory here. And our fearless leader is NO HELP whatsoever. What a moron. How very sad that we have to face the horrible crisis with Ass Clown at the helm. I could go on a rant right now, but what's the point. And the very most saddest thing of all is the fact that he will probably get reelected. I truly am living in an idiocracy.

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