Monday, April 8, 2019

Another Art-O-Mat purchase

Tiny House 
I'm becoming obsessed with Art-O-Mat art. The idea of converting cigarette machines in art dispensers is just too cool. I love it! My latest purchase is this little kiln-fired earthenware clay ornament. The artist is Kathleen Hill of Kismet Art Studios. I think she's from NY, but I'm not sure. My guitars and birds paintings were accepted by Art-O-Mat so I am waiting for a shipment of blocks so I can start producing my stuff for the machines. This is very exciting. I am a little anxious about having to paint 50 separate blocks. . .it's a lot. But I am hoping that once I get started I can get into the flow and just crank them out assembly line style. They will each be original, one of a kind, paintings, but they'll be similar. I want them to be good. I want people to like them. Good grief. I'm so needy and insecure.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Anna, that is sooooo cool!! So the art goes out all over where they have those machines? I'm so excited for you :).
