![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/q87/p526x296/10891983_311711192358426_4704180549891003764_n.jpg?oh=50d416b13c4a77ab1830a7949f93a595&oe=5535E53B&__gda__=1428372906_900c15039161c420e95185d3f96d24ef) |
Oh look, it's me...only I'm not really that tanned. |
Yesterday was the coldest day I can remember. It was 9 degrees when I got to work and the temperature never got out of the 20s all day. Hideous. It's better today. I think it's 40 now. So to take my mind off this ridiculous weather, I am posting a watercolor I did of some fine looking ladies at the beach. I also watched old re-runs of Hawaii Five-O last night. Everyone looked so warm and comfortable.
More exciting news...tonight is the 2nd Friday Art Walk at the Chapel Hill Art Gallery. I am now the Vice President of the gallery. I'll try not to run it into the ground or declare war on the other local galleries.
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