Saturday, June 30, 2018

"Families Belong Together" Rally in PBO and some wonderful local people organized a rally in PBO this afternoon to show support for the families and their children being tortured by the current administration. I don't really care what anyone's political affiliation is, the abuse of children is WRONG. There was a really good turnout in little old Pittsboro. I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one flying my freak flag. Bert came out with James (who is having a birthday on Monday!). She ran into an old high school friend. My friend, Kay, came out to show support as well. I ran into another old acquaintance. I knew her from a church I used to go to. She was the ministerial intern at the time. She now works with battered women. It's awesome and energizing to be around people who CARE. I was beginning to despair. So many negative, hateful, evil voices in the media. It is refreshing to know that there are still a few of us out there, trying to do SOMETHING.
Rally at the old courthouse, next to the Confederate statue!
Beautiful downtown Pittsboro.

Let your freak flag fly!

Kay and me, trying not to melt in the heat.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Graduation Celebration

Sorry about the glare, but this is my poster.
and this is the cake.
Back in 2016 I went through the LEAN Training offered at work, mostly as a good little nugget to add to my annual performance evaluation. It was a fun class and I learned a lot and then I had to do a work related project. yikes. I had an awesome mentor, Rosalie, who held my hand through the whole process and really, if the truth be told, did all the heavy lifting. She has since left the company, so I guess that means all the glory and honor goes to me now. Our CEO came to the celebration and we had a nice photo op. Just trying to raise my profile a little bit and improve my personal brand!

not really made in Durham

I won a t-shirt!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Crocheting again

Hippie Tote Bag
I suddenly felt the urge to crochet something. I got a 55% off coupon at AC Moore's, so I got a skein of variegated self-striping yarn. It's really pretty. This is an easy pattern. It's just 3 large granny squares, folded on the diagonal and joined together. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for a handle just yet--I'm considering my options. I had a really good month last month at work. There was nurse's week and we had a nice reception with cake. I graduated from the Facilitation Program and we had a party with cake. Then it was Military Family Appreciation month, along with Memorial Day, so the VetNet group had a reception for us vets...more cake. Then, the GlobalNet group did a thing to celebrate Asian and Pacific Islanders. No cake, but we got some spring rolls. Today, there was a celebration for the graduates of the LEAN program. Cake. So, after a whole month of celebrating ME, the rest of the year is going to be kind of dull. Probably just as well. After all this cake I'm in danger of developing diabetes, or at the very least, obesity.