Friday, March 24, 2017

Portrait of Sophie

The father of one of Mike's guitar students is artist Bill Kolb. He was waiting for his son's lesson the other day and did a quick sketch of Sophie.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Getting a New Roof

the house with the old roof stripped off

Finally had to bite the bullet and pony up for a new roof (excuse the mixed metaphors there). We've had a leak for quite some time now in the far NE corner and because we totally suck at home ownership we let it go until we had considerable water damage. Shame on us. But, in our defense, it WAS an old roof and would have needed replacing at some point in the near future. These guys work fast. It's a good thing, too, because my dogs are wigged out. All the strange people walking on the roof and banging and throwing things makes them very nervous.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Japanese cousins

Fumie's daughter Maika (right) and Tomoya's daughter Yuzuki (left).

Keiko's neice, Fumie is expecing their 2nd child in Sept. Keiko said she has had a rough pregnancy this time--can't eat a thing. Her daughter, Maika is 30 months old now.Tomoya's daughter, Yuzuki, is 27 months old. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Obachan, Mom and Me

Mom, her mother and my teenage self
I thought I had posted this old photo, but apparently I was mistaken. I want to add it now for historical purposes. Photo was taken in 1973 I think, the summer Mom took me and Taumi to Japan to visit her family. It was the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. I got this awesome Toni Tennile haircut while I was there. Very fashion forward at the time. I went back to Japan once more on my way back from Okinawa in 1977 or 78. I was pregnant with Jon at the time. Japan is an incredibly amazing place. I would love to go back someday.