Monday, August 31, 2015

Moving on out

in the entry way at the new place
BUSY weekend. I took Friday off to help Bert with the move out her current Army housing into her new Army housing. Since the membership in her household will double over the next year, they were in need of larger accommodations. And as luck would have it, Ft. Bragg currently has a glut of housing units. They even let civilian contractors and retirees live on post now. So, I spent 3 days with her, trying not to be an interfering nag. She is such an adult person now, she was able to handle all the millions of details on her own. I pretty much just entertained the baby and stayed out of her way. The movers came today so she will have a bed in the new place. She still has to clean up the old unit. The housing people will be coming around Friday morning for her inspection. And there are still about a half a million details still to be worked out. But, I think the worst part is over. It has been very stressful, but it's getting done. Thank GOD the weather cooperated for a few hours so the movers didn't have to work in the rain. Her dogs are at my house right now, being sad and bored. They really miss their mommy. Here it is only Monday afternoon and I'm exhausted. I keep telling everyone, we just need to make it to Friday...and WE WILL.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ramble 8.27.15

I'm pushing 60! 
After cleaning up the cat poop in my bathtub for the 50th time....I had some time to reflect on my life. By way of explanation, Clawdia gets into these spells where she feels compelled to take a dump in my bathtub. I'm not sure if it is out of spite or just pure meanness, but there it is, a smelly mess that announces her contempt for all things human. I am joking (sort of). She can be a very sweet cat, when she wants to. She is strangely affectionate and a good little mouser. Hey, anyone need a cat? I've got one to give away. She's spayed and occasionally house-broken. So, as I was saying, here I am almost 60--I went to the DMV to get my license renewed and up to this point my hair color has been listed as "black." The woman at the DMV who was doing my paper work looked at me and goes, "Hair color, gray?" I was a little surprised for just a moment. I mean, I know I have gray hair. I refuse to color it (because those chemicals leach into your brain and make you crazy) and honestly I don't care what it looks like. At this point--why bother?! But for the first time it occurred to me that I was an elderly woman. A senior citizen. A withered old hag. Wow. And it happened so fast! I'm actually thinking about retirement--only THINKING about it because it is still far into the future. I can't retire until 1) Mal is out of college and into a good job, 2) the house is paid for, and 3) Mike is eligible for Medicare. SO, somewhere between age 70 and 75. I have a feeling I will die at my desk. My last day on earth and my last day on the job will be the same day. I'm okay with it. Gotta do something to pass the time...might as well get paid for it.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Art Supply Addiction

I can't stop myself from buying more art stuff.

More artsy birthday goodness

 My little brother! He is the gift that keeps on giving. He send me a bunch of art supplies (see previous post) then a few days later I get another package with more gelatos. What a sweet guy! I guess I need to get on the stick here and start CREATING. I've been in a lull as of late, can't get my mojo working....but it happens from time to time. No point in getting weird about it or trying to force it. With me, either you feel it or you don't. So, I'm playing with my Midori and watching YouTube videos of other people creating stuff and hoping I get super inspired soon.

Monday, August 10, 2015

More kid pix

Yesterday I met with all my kids and grandkids (except for Mal) at Buns in Chapel Hill for my birthday lunch. I had to pay, of course, but it was worth it. The food was great and seeing the kids is always a priceless treasure. Buns is basically a burger joint, except the food is awesome. Best veggie burger I have ever had. I hear that the regular burgers are equally good--but I'll have to just take their word on that one. I can't eat red meat anymore. It actually causes my gall bladder to grow back and explode again. After lunch we walked across the street to a church courtyard so the kids could run around. And by the way, we were at the very center of the universe, the intersection of Franklin and Columbia Streets.

Geek Alert

Me and my Midori
Yay! The Midori Traveler's Notebook. I did a ton of research on this little thing and then thought long and hard about making the commitment. It's a bit spendy. But I decided to treat myself and finally pulled the trigger. I regret nothing. I love it! I can see why it has a HUGE following on the interwebs. There are even a bunch of knock-offs and DIY versions called "fauxdori."  It is basically a leather cover with modular notebooks held in place with rubberbands. Very Zen in it's simplicity--I would expect nothing less from those clever Japanese. The leather is excellent quality. I love the feel and the smell. Even the paper is fantastic. How can anyone get so excited about a notebook? You wouldn't understand unless you were a total paper freak like me. Going to the paper section of the craft store or to office supply stores is a complete thrill for me.  The longer you own it, the more weathered and beat up the leather gets and it looks even better. It's wonderful and when I carry it around I feel just like Indiana Jones!

Birthday Haul

Here's what I got for my birthday this year.
 BIRTHDAY! Turned 58 (YIKES!!) wasn't too painful. I did make out like a bandit with lots of new toys. My brohan sent me some fun art supplies. Some gelatos, which are a kind of water soluble crayon--very fun to work with, metal pallet knives (so much better than the cheapo plastic ones I currently use) and a variety of gel mediums and gesso. Little Miguel got me a fancy new phone that I have yet to figure out how to use. I've been making due with 2 tins stung together with string, so this thing is quite a step up. I've almost figured out how to make a phone call. AND I bought myself a Midori Traveler's Notebook. More on this in the next post.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lunch in Sanford

I took the day off yesterday and Mike and I drove down to Sanford to meet Bertie and JT for lunch. We ate at a cute little Italian joint in the historic downtown area. Pretty decent food. Sanford seems to be trying to upgrade. I used to spend quite a bit of time in that city. Can't say I loved it. Chapel Hill/Carrboro is more my speed. So anyhow, James was his usual adorable little self.  Calvin will be home in 2 months. It has been a very long, difficult separation for him and Bertie. She's been a real trouper, but I know it wears on her. Mal will be starting school soon. Only one year to go!! I'll be seeing all the kids and grandkids on my birthday this weekend.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Art Walk

That's my stuff over on the left.
Last Friday was the Last Friday Art Walk in Hillsborough. This was the first event for the  newly formatted Triangle Visual Artists (formerly known as Chapel Hill Art Gallery). Several of us dragged our stuff out in the heat and set up 2 spots on the street. Hillsborough's Art Walk is HUGE. It's more of a street fair with all kinds of vendors. The local galleries were also having receptions. Very nice, arty gathering. I was already exhausted from working all day when I got there, but I managed to sell 2 of my mini paintings, so it was a good evening for me. I mean--I covered the cost of gas and dinner. I probably won't do this type of event again. It's too hot to be out of doors in NC in the summertime. I don't like to sweat. The Triangle Artists have several other events planned for the year. On Saturday morning I went to a church activity. I skipped the craft classes and went to the Bible classes. Very interesting and informative. THEN, I went to Durham for the Triangle Sketch Crawl meet-up. We gathered at Francesca's on 9th Street. Then we separated for 2 hours of drawing and came back at 3 for show and tell. It was so much fun. Thanks, Dan, for coming with. I am sometimes reluctant to try new things alone. Dan was great company and such a wonderful artist.